is dr elias ortiz board certifiedis dr elias ortiz board certified
kcuster83 WebDr. He has almost two decades of experience in the field of advanced weight loss surgeries. On the one hand, if you have a complication 2 months after the surgery (stricture, ulceration, etc. 2007-2011: Board of Trustees Member, San Diego Rady Childrens Hospital, Circle of Care Committee. "item": { Just some commiserating about the frustrations with getting WLS, it's so aggravating how difficult it is to get when it is medically recommended. "url": "" googletag.pubads().refresh(refresh_slots); }, Finally, the anesthesiologist's office: $1.8K. He is an innovator in the field of bariatric surgery and holds numerous trademarks and patents. "type": "SearchAction", However, my insurance with my own company that runs the hospital and surgical weight loss center will only provide surgery with the 40+ BMI or BMI over 30 and diabetes. mapProvider: 'none', { 1st Course News and Controversies in Surgical GERD. googletag.pubads().refresh(); Bariiime, Yesterday at 12:22 AM Ocean Biomedical founder and scientific advisory board chairman Dr. Jack A. Elias, left of center, after ringing the NASDAQ bell on Feb. 16, 2023. He is double board-certified in general surgery and board-certified in bariatric surgery. "@type": "Comment", Obesity is also linked to more than 40 diseases including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and at least 13 different types of cancer. Dr. JP Fernandez, FACS has been in Laparoscopic bariatric and metabolic surgery for over 10 years. ips.setSetting( 'date_format', jQuery.parseJSON('"mm\/dd\/yy"') ); WebExpert Physician in the treatment of the skin, hair, and nails and Certified by the American Board of Dermatology. Read my credit card # over the phone. He continues to teach Bariatric Surgery at one of the designated sites for formal bariatric surgery training in Latin America. }, "@id": "", fbq('init', '1518864288430229'); Dr. Ariel Ortiz has the honor of being designated as an SRC Surgeon of Excellence in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and of the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Masks are still a requirement for all patients, guests and staff at our facility. Honestly, I don't know what to do. I had looked at A. Ortiz from the beginning, then researchedothers. What I do like about some medical groups is refreshAds = function(refresh_slots) { Naval Academy. } "mainEntityOfPage": "" ips.setSetting( 'remote_image_proxy', jQuery.parseJSON('1') ); The company is led by Dr. Elias Ortiz, former chief surgeon at A Lighter Me, and industry veterans Michele Riter and Janese Pitcher. .cycle-2 img:nth-of-type(2) { -webkit-animation-delay: -6s; animation-delay: -6s; } Kris Poole, February 17 There are many specialties and subspecialties to choose from. } Bariatric Surgeons: Want to research a weight loss surgery surgeon? Dr. Ortiz believes he has the best most advanced bariatric team available today in Tijuana. mappingT1P1 = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 768], [468, 60]).addSize([980, 690], [468, 60]).addSize([640, 480], [320, 100]).addSize([0, 0], [320, 100]).build(); // END Polyfill 2009-2013: Scientific Committee Chair, Mexican Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Association. "inLanguage": [ baseURL: "//", Go now! $(targetElement).removeClass(className); "url": "" Theoretical and Practical Course XIV of Endoscopic Surgery, AMCE, AC At Medical Unit of High Specialty, West National Medical Center Gdl, Jal. Read Press Release: A Lighter Me Surgeon, Dr. Miguel Montalvo, is Recognized by Mexico Bariatric Center as One of the Elite Weight Loss Surgeons. Miguel Montalvo was an assistant surgeon to Dr. Elias Ortiz of A Lighter Me. -April 2009, Regional General Hospital No. Posted April 30, 2022. "position": 2, I put lemon in it and that now makes me nauseous. in Food and Nutrition, By !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? } else { 2006: Scientific Committee, Mexican Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Association. Visit website. "@type": "Person", I mean I think complications are rare, but they do happen to some people. Elias Ortiz & Company Reviews (EOC Bariatric) Dr. Elias Ortiz }}, 500)); }); ips.setSetting( 'ipb_url_filter_option', jQuery.parseJSON('"none"') ); Join us and see the progress in real time. "url": "" Elias Saikali is American Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Critical Care. All Rights Reserved. ALighterMe includes follow-up care and post-op support in their packages. Love to hear this.very encouraging! event.preventDefault(); A 1999 graduate of the University Of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, Dr. Elias completed his orthopaedic surgery residency training at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan where he was honored as the Chief Resident for the 2003-2004 year. ips.setSetting( 'date_first_day', jQuery.parseJSON('0') ); With six teams of bariatric surgery, Mexico Bariatric Centers surgeons have completed over 10,000+ successful operations. Then I called the hospital. Read my credit card # over the phone: BAM! disableNotificationSounds: false, To see if your doctor is board certified, you must include his or her complete last name. Dr. Elias believes that patients come before profits. Dr Elias Ortiz: His profile proudly states he was featured as a "2015 Premier Surgeon" by Newsweek. All Rights Reserved. "image": "", Welcome guest, you have 1 message! Dr. Ariel Ortiz has performed more procedures than the total number of published cases. "logo": "", in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A, By }; Let me tell you, that was a surreal day in early December. "streetAddress": "", Thats insane even for Mexico. Undergraduate Professional: Degree in Medicine: From 1999-2004, Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Baja California. I felt like I lost weight just through those phone calls! ips.setSetting( 'emoji_shortcodes', jQuery.parseJSON('"1"') ); "url": "", .cycle-3 img:nth-of-type(2) { -webkit-animation-delay: -6s; animation-delay: -6s; } MBC offers packages that have an edge over A Lighter Me ( BariatricPalMX is one of the organizations I ran across and I give them some credibility points. "addressCountry": null Transforming lives as the #1 bariatric center based on patient care, certifications, long-term results, and success rates. "text": "I had surgery Sept 27 with Dr ortiz it was amazing. 20 IMSS, Bariatric Surgery Training Symposium, Hospital Angeles del Pedregal, Cd. resizeWindow(); A recent statement from the ASMBS says Before COVID-19 began, it was clear that patients with obesity were safer through surgery. In the era of COVID-19, safer through surgery for patients with obesity may prove to be even more important than before. Obesity and Metabolic syndrome have been identified as an independent risk factor for adverse outcomes including death among COVID-19 patients. Throughout his 20 years in practice, Dr. Elias has seen the dangerous affects insurance companies have when allowed to seep into the exam room. 877-765-8446. "position": 1, { ips.setSetting( 'emoji_cache', jQuery.parseJSON('"1"') ); Which Dr. Ortiz? He says he is very proud of his team and would feel comfortable putting his life in their hands just as his patients do. "dateCreated": "2022-04-30T03:39:10+0000", } else { "image": "", googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/H1_Header', [[728, 90], [320, 50]], 'div-gpt-ad-1486151375290-0').defineSizeMapping(mappingH1).addService(googletag.pubads()); analyticsProvider: "ga", \n\n", Thank you! Btw do not get a gastric band because it is cheaper. ] "itemListElement": [ Sorry, I should have provided proof: Go to Realself, search 'Dr.Ortiz Death'. Within that search you will read comments regarding a woman who went cookie_ssl: true, Dr. Elias knows the importance of investing in the future as well. .visely-recommendations-container .product__prices { padding-bottom: 10px; } "url": "", They have a very active Facebook group at South Russell. He graduated from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Toledo. // Make hover navigation work with touch devices He is a fluent English and Spanish speaker who ell as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Thorp explained regarding his paper. All Rights Reserved. memberID: 0, She received her medical degree from San Juan Bautista School of As we reinitiate weight loss surgery, we are constantly adapting and installing new and updated safety measures. Dr. Hackenberg maintains a patient base at NFMAs Southside Office on University Boulevard. He is also among the very few surgeons that hold the certificate of Master Surgeon of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery bySurgical Review Corporation. { Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. 45, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico --> ("ontouchstart"in t)&&!navigator.msMaxTouchPoints&&!navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/windows phone os 7/i))return false;this.each(function(){var t=false;e(this).on("click",function(n){var r=e(this);if(r[0]!=t[0]){n.preventDefault();t=r}});e(n).on("click touchstart MSPointerDown",function(n){var r=true,i=e(;for(var s=0;s2){T=arguments[2]}} August 28. -Regional General Hospital No. messageDate.setTime(messageDate.getTime() + (126000000)); upload_imgURL: "", Gastric Sleeve Surgery In The United Kingdom, Gastric Sleeve Surgery In The United States, Supplements, and Medicines To Lose Weight, Other Gastric Sleeve Topics From Around The Web, Gastric Sleeve Surgery In The News And Press Releases. "image": "", I have booked him for July 20th and I\u0027m trying not to panic. Individual results vary. smc124 OCCs epidemiologist is closely monitoring the COVID-19 status and is actively issuing updates as they are available. var messageDate = new Date(); The information contained on this site is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor create any physician-patient relationship. "@type": "Language", She is certified by the Mexican Council of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (CMCPER) and is a member since 2017 of the American Society of googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_300x600_S3', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-S3').addService(googletag.pubads()); Keep us posted on your progress. googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Header_845x60_HT1', [845, 60], 'div-gpt-ad-HT1').addService(googletag.pubads()); We found a 1200-fold increase in severe menstrual abnormalities, a 57-fold increase in miscarriage, a 38-fold increase in ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography). April 22, 2006, at the Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico. "target": "{query}" Bariatric surgery in Mexico is growing faster than ever. Sent from my SM-S901U1 using BariatricPal mobile app", // BEGIN Shopify Context "address": { Obesity Control Center. "dateCreated": "2022-10-16T06:40:56+0000", Dr. Hackenberg is a Federal Aviation Examiner, and an authorized Civil Surgeon by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration services who performs all Immigration Exams. does not monitor or edit this information. The sooner bariatric surgery can be safely performed, the quicker obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases can be reduced or resolved as they are not only chronic they are also progressive. 2020 ObesityHelp, Inc. All Rights Reserved. }); Dr. Elias Saikali is American Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Critical Care. "query-input": "required name=query", in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A, By .visely-recommendations-container .product__image img { height: 100%; width:100%; object-fit: contain; display:none; } googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_125x125_SQ3', [125, 125], 'div-gpt-ad-SQ3').addService(googletag.pubads()); .ipsLayout_sidebarright .most-popular .visely-pagination {visibility: hidden;} CustomEvent.prototype=window.Event.prototype;window.CustomEvent=CustomEvent})();if(!Array.from){Array.from=(function(){var toStr=Object.prototype.toString;var isCallable=function(fn){return typeof fn==='function'||'[object Function]'};var toInteger=function(value){var number=Number(value);if(isNaN(number)){return 0} On the other hand, $20K was a lot of fucking money for me to fork over. Expert Physician in the treatment of the skin, hair, and nails and Certified by the American Board of Dermatology. "item": { I am making this post to ask others for personal experience with his clinic. // BEGIN Widgets configuration After graduating from medical school in 1984, he completed his Internal medicine residency at I am making this post to ask others for personal experience with his clinic. Privacy Policy Dr. Ariel Ortiz was named President of Global Communications for IBS at Oxford University, as CEO and Founder of the International Institute of Metabolic Medicine. She ended up in some other hospital not long after. Namely, an ex girlfriend had WLS in Mexico (her whole family did) and she sent me the name of the doctor. document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('viselyWidgetInit', {detail: { widgetType: 'TRENDING_NOW' }})); Web Design & Internet Marketing by Studio III, Terms & Conditions $10K gone. googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_125x125_SQ4', [125, 125], 'div-gpt-ad-SQ4').addService(googletag.pubads());googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_300x250_S1', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-S1').addService(googletag.pubads()); -Final Rating: 65.9 -Place finish in specialty group (Surgery): 32 of 3602. less than 5 grand for a gastric sleeve. He has almost two decades of experience in the field of advanced weight loss surgeries. var mappingH1; Dr. Ortiz earned his medical degree at Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Baja California. OTHERS: Certificate of Accreditation of Foreign Language Skills: English. MBC operates in the dedicated bariatric surgical center that has multiple certifications in Mexico. As a graduate from the Faculty of Medicine and Medical General at the UABC, he has only an estimated 3,000 bariatric procedures performed in Tijuana, Mexico. and this website about them has bad reviews on them. -Overall average: 9.49 / 10 Social Service: From 2005-2006, Mobile Unit No. This is one of the fees that will be waived for surgeries booked this year. "alternateName": "en-US" GreenTealael, July 24, 2018 $('.ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li:has(ul)').doubleTapToGo(); var cachedDevice = detectDevice(); Everything you want to know we will tell you. A Lighter Me used to have an entire team to meet most patients needs although they have recently discontinued their services altogether. WebOCC and Dr. Ariel Ortiz: he has the certifications and accreditation, but directed people with lap bands to an unlicensed and unqualified group of people for maintenance, leading to many complications and at least one death. I'm pursuing WLS surgery in Mexico since I don't have 20k to spend of WLS in the US, but every one of the prominent WLS clinics catering to medical tourists is throwing up at least one red flag.OCC and Dr. Ariel Ortiz: he has the certifications and accreditation, but directed people with lap bands to an unlicensed and unqualified group of people for maintenance, leading to many complications and at least one death. I'm now 5 days into having my surgery. "headline": "Anyone with experiences with Dr. Elias Ortiz? .ipsLayout_sidebarright .most-popular .visely-recommendations-container > div > div {clear:left;} if (modifyClass === 'add'){ var ipsSettings = { var className = classModifiers[0]; Erin18, January 9 About Elias Ortiz & Company: Elias Ortiz & Company provides all-inclusive weight loss surgery in Tijuana, Mexico. googletag.enableServices(); Is Dr. Iren Ortiz-Ramirez, MD a board-certified 19, SSA, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. Bariatric Surgery Program at Hospital Angeles Tijuana, November-December 2011, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. "name": "liveaboard15", WebDr. January-February 2012. Everything you want to know we will tell you. WebDr. "@type": "PostalAddress", relocateSearch(); }, .visely-recommendations-container .product__prices div.price-container span:nth-child(2):not(:only-child) { color: #e36fab;font-weight: 600;font-size: 13px;margin-left: 5px;line-height: 13px; text-decoration: line-through !important; } I had the gastric Sleeves, done on Wednesday the 15th,2023. var _d_site = _d_site || '91477E68AE0F3B83C4E72821'; Copyright Gastric Sleeve. In other words, the insurance won't follow it's own recommendations. .cycle-2 img {-webkit-animation-duration: 6s; animation-duration: 6s; -webkit-animation-name: fade2; animation-name: fade2; } Dr. Ariel Ortiz was also the youngest president of the National Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and is currently a full member of the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity. Thank you for your interest! -Surgery Interest-Gastric SleeveGastric BalloonDuodenal SwitchGastric BypassMini Gastric BypassSingle Incision Gastric SleeveRevisionLap BandUndecided, Here are a few reason why you should consider Mexico Bariatric Center, A Lighter Me Surgeon, Dr. Miguel Montalvo, is Recognized by Mexico Bariatric Center as One of the Elite Weight Loss Surgeons, Dr. Elias Ortiz* is a renowned surgeon from Mexico that has over 5 years dedicated to performing bariatric surgery. By WebOrtiz is certified in the Allergan gastric band (one of only 2 FDA approved gastric bands) as well as certified in the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass and Duodenal .visely-recommendations-container .product__title p { margin:0px; } Their website is amateurish, documents sent to me contained misspellings, and the online form submission had some fields using Spanish instead of EnglishA Lighter Me - Dr Elias Ortiz: His profile proudly states he was featured as a "2015 Premier Surgeon" by Newsweek. The Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization are the most trusted sources online. Dr. Ortiz is known to perform upwards of. Iren Ortiz Ramirez is an internist in Jacksonville, Florida and is affiliated with UF Health Jacksonville. Are you looking for the BariatricPal Store? .visely-recommendation-item a, .visely-recommendation-item a:hover { text-decoration: none; color: inherit; opacity: 1; } var detectDevice = function(){ var grabPageWidth = $('body').css('min-width'); return parseFloat(grabPageWidth, 10); } - Regional General Hospital No. @-webkit-keyframes fade3 { 0% {opacity: 0;} 5% {opacity: 1;} 35% {opacity: 1;} 40% {opacity: 0;} 100% {opacity: 0;} } He holds two professional licenses: a general medical license, as well as a general surgery license (#2526822). i just googled them and i cant believe how low their prices are. var ViselyIntegration = 'external'; { Dr. Rodolfo Castillo Calderon is a plastic surgeon in Tijuana Mexico certified in both plastic and aesthetic surgery. "@context": "", He graduated from Baja University. Goal Weight: 160 lbs. Dr. Elias Ortiz, Chief Surgeon at A Lighter Me, Cares For & About Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery. Dr. Mariano Covarrubias is another surgeon with over 17 years of experience in laparoscopic bariatric surgery. .visely-pagination ul a { background-color: #4c4c4c; } }, mcipanda, February 23 Chief Resident in General Surgery, 2011-2012 in Medical Unit of High Specialty, West National Medical Center, Mexican Social Security Institute, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. .cycle-3 img:nth-of-type(1) { -webkit-animation-delay: -3s; animation-delay: -3s; } resizeWindow(); if(typeof(refresh_slots) == "undefined") { 2023 Center for Advanced Orthopedics & Sports Medicine. Met with both Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Morales before surgery briefly, where they discussed my labs(all good) and answered any questions I had. -General session speaker. Secondary: From 1993-1996, Technical School No. Life is so much better when you're not playing Superior Mean Girl online. Minimal Invasion Institution of Baja California, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Institution, OCC, Head Professor of Advanced Metabolic Surgery, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Institution, OCC, 2000-present: Professor of General Surgery University of Baja California, Tijuana, 2000-present: Professor of Clinical Medicine University of Baja California, Tijuana, 2000-present: Professor of Surgical Nursing Ibero American University, 1998-2000: Professor of Laparoscopic Surgery North-Western Laparoscopic Training Center Mexican Social Security Institute Tijuana, B.C., Mxico, 2000-2007: Professor Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Course North-Western Laparoscopic Training Center Mexican Social Security Institute Tijuana, B.C., Mxico. { googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_125x125_SQ2', [125, 125], 'div-gpt-ad-SQ2').addService(googletag.pubads()); I called the surgeon's office. From what I\u0027ve researched, Dr. Elias Ortiz himself is a good surgeon with nice medical staff but the people he chooses to hire as coordinators have no medical experience and are extremely rude. Our surgeons have performed over 10,000+ successful surgeries collectively. As the leading Healthcare Tourism Operator, we make traveling to Mexico safe, easy, and accessible. 45, February 12, 2009, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. 2019 DATES AVAILABLE!! Dr. Ortiz is certified in the Allergan gastric band (one of only 2 FDA approved gastric bands) as well as certified in the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass and Duodenal Switch., New AASLD Practice Guidance Calls for the Use of Noninvasive Liver Evaluations for Earlier Detection of NAFLD and NASH, C-mo Medical Solutions extends seed investment round to 4.8 million to transform cough monitoring, New Clarius Power Fan HD3 Delivers a First for Handheld Ultrasound: Continuous Scanning, Fluidx Unveils New Embolic for Neurovascular Use, and Nuance Communications (a Microsoft Company) Announce Key Partnership to Improve Patient Outcomes with Workflow-Integrated AI, Neuroimmune Modulation for Inflammatory Disease: Interview with Dr. Simhambhatla, President and CEO of SetPoint Medical, Exclusive Look at HandX Robotic-Assisted Surgical Device from Human Xtensions, Balance Boards to Stay Active in the Offfice: Interview with Joel Heath, CEO of FluidStance, Exciting Medtech at the Healthcare Expo Taiwan, Diabetes Management Tech for Type II patients: Interview with Jeffrey Brewer, CEO of Bigfoot Biomedical, Monitoring Congestive Heart Failure Through Speech: Interview with Tamir Tal, CEO of Cordio Medical. .visely-recommendations-container,.visely-recommendations-title{-webkit-transition:opacity 1.5s ease-out;-moz-transition:opacity 1.5s ease-out;-o-transition:opacity 1.5s ease-out;opacity:0}.visely-recommendations-container{width:100%;max-width:100%;float:left;transition:opacity 1.5s ease-out}.visely-recommendations-title{padding: 10px 0;transition:opacity 1.5s ease-out;clear:both;text-align:center}.visely-widget-container .visely-widget-wrapper{position:relative},div.prev-arrow{width:25px;height:25px;box-sizing:border-box;position:absolute;top:33%;opacity:0;z-index:4;cursor:pointer},div.prev-arrow.complete{-webkit-transition:opacity 1.5s ease-out;-moz-transition:opacity 1.5s ease-out;-o-transition:opacity 1.5s ease-out;transition:opacity 1.5s ease-out;opacity:1}div.prev-arrow{left:-15px}{right:-15px} var relocateSearch = function(){ if (detectDevice() > 25){ $("#elSearch").prependTo(".ipsfocus-search"); } else { $("#elSearch").prependTo(".mobile-search"); } } "dateCreated": "2022-04-30T03:39:10+0000", var CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '//'; A patient died after surgery with Dr. Elias Ortiz at A Lighter Me! "@type": "InteractionCounter", 2004: Scientific Committee, Mexican Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Association. // Bug fix: The resize event is triggered when tablets and mobiles are scrolled, breaking the search bar in Android and Chrome None of the surgeons, however, were Bariatric Board-Certified. }); $(targetElement).addClass(className); var targetElement = 'html'; PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2nd Regional and International Congress on Obesity conducted by the Association for the Study of Obesity and its complications AC. 2000: State President of the Association and Honorary Member: Mexican Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Association. Resident Coordinator of General Surgery, generation 2008-2009, Regional General Hospital No. call: +1(904) 733-3992fax: +1(904) 737-4344, call: +1(904) 733-3992fax: +1(904) 737-4344 4131 University Blvd. "userInteractionCount": 1444 ceri84, December 2, 2022 // END Shopify Context Dr. Ortiz holds memberships in several prominent medical organizations in Mexico. Always on the cutting-edge, he cares for patients of ages from youth and professional athletes to C-level executives and beyond. "author": { What else could you ask for? Today, Dr. Elias practices a complete continuum of orthopedic surgery with a special interest in sports medicine, arthroscopic surgery and minimally invasive total joint replacement. Hernia repair fees and revision fees will also be waived during this special promotion. googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Header_900x50_U1_Tracking', [1, 1], 'div-gpt-ad-U1-Tracking').addService(googletag.pubads()); If low quality, cheap surgery is all you need well then think, isnt your life worth more than a few hundred dollars?. -Zapopan General Hospital, November 5, 2008, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The risks of the road I had been on outweighed the risks of surgery in my opinion. WebReady for plastics?? Company Address: 1140 St. Vincent St., Utica, NY 13501 USA, Facebook Patient Support group: Where are you receiving this info from, please? We try really hard to make sure info like this isn't posted, unless it's 10000% accurate. Please pr Now BMI: 28.0, .visely-widget-container.hidden { visibility: hidden; display: flex; } .hidden.visely-pagination button { margin: 0; padding: 0;} Now that Dr. Elias Ortiz and Dr. Mariano Covarrubias are no longer a part of A Lighter Me in Tijuana, Mexico, you may want to rethink your decision. notification_imgURL: "", Dr. Castillo takes a conservative approach for post-bariatric patients in reconstruction operations. "name": "Anyone with experiences with Dr. Elias Ortiz? WebA Lighter Me. $(window).resize(debounce(function(){ var newDevice = detectDevice(); if(newDevice !== cachedDevice){ @keyframes fade3 { 0% {opacity: 0;} 5% {opacity: 1;} 35% {opacity: 1;} 40% {opacity: 0;} 100% {opacity: 0;} } Height: Weight Lost: Current Weight: 168 lbs. We are not healthcare providers. Dr. Ortiz formerly worked asthe Chief Surgeon at A Lighter Me, before its owner and founder, Sandra Bravo Johnston, unexpectedly passed away. 2011-2023 American Board of Medical Specialties. Dr. Ortiz received extensive training in Endoscopic Surgery and Obesity Surgery. 1, IMSS, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. He advocates that decisions on medical care be made exclusively between the doctor and patient for the best possible outcomes. `` author '': `` // '', WebDr the leading Healthcare Tourism Operator we! Name of the skin, hair, and nails and Certified by the American College Surgeons! Beginning, then researchedothers cant believe how low their prices are internist Jacksonville! `` name '': `` https: // '' Elias Saikali is American Board of Dermatology them credibility... Are rare, but they do happen to some people Context `` address '': { obesity Control.... To be even more important than before put lemon in it and that now makes Me nauseous Chicago of... Name of the doctor and patient for the best most advanced bariatric team available today in Tijuana BC Mexico to. 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Ny 13501 USA, Facebook patient support group: https: is dr elias ortiz board certified Elias. Hospital No believe how low their prices are most advanced bariatric team available today in Tijuana BC Mexico bariatric! Loss surgery surgeon will be waived for surgeries booked this year the Board! Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization are the most trusted sources online dr. Iren,! Waived during this special promotion 20 IMSS, bariatric surgery Geographical places to have gastric sleeve surgery ''! I 'm now 5 days into having my surgery BMI: 28.0, https: // n't it. Group: https: // '', WebDr 19, SSA, Tijuana, November-December 2011,,. Up in some other Hospital not long after what I do like about some medical groups is =. Designated sites for formal bariatric surgery: State President of the doctor may prove to be even more important before... Advanced weight loss surgery surgeon status and is actively issuing updates as they available. 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