I dont currently use my inhaler for anything but always carry one to be safe. All of this is to ensure your joints and muscles are performing correctly. First of all, to put your mind at ease you will not have your blood taken. Just had my medical and they declared me as MU . will i have to start the application all over again? My son suffers from excessive sweating (Just armpits). A. Just wondering, when it comes to my medical im quite concerned about having minor cracking joints when walking around doing the instructions that the doctor told you to do. I have my medical in 6 weeks and also had a similar thing to this when I was a teen. However, as soon as that 3 weeks is up, you should make a call if you havent heard anything. There are plenty of horror stories going around but be advised, this is the internet, and people often let personal emotions rule their thoughts and therefore most of these horror stories are exaggerated. Thank you, Hi Ryan. That was a joke. Sorry for the delayed reply. t,It;uG I (fairly) recently got turned down from joining the RAF because I had suffered from eczema within the last 3 years, I was told I could and should appeal Will there be a delay because they need confirmation from my doctor again even though hes already sent off an appeal before? Its well documented and unfortunately, its just one of those things. Unfortunately Im not medically trained so Im unable to say what will or will not be accepted at the medical, sorry. Explore the world in comfort with Viking. Sorry to hear about your situation. If its not on your records then its up to you what you voluntarily tell them. Discover a masterclass of Royal Air Force recruitment knowledge and insider secrets from How2Become. Dear Royal Air Force, I would like to request a stage by stage process of what happens in the RAF medical. Would he have to go through full basic training again after his 4 weekends and 15 day training with the reserves would this be made an easier process due to him already within the raf or is it dependent on role thanks Gary. Sometimes if it has not been an issue for a while, its fine whereas in other cases, any history of a particular condition may preclude entry so just check the wording if you do find anything. It will be dealth with on a case by case basis by the doctor who conducts the exam and I wish your son all the best and hopefully there will be a positive outcome. Hey there, my medical is currently a complete nightmare. gEk> {5$;T98't(]=Ky-'4m|s\Bv;o)8y7U'"'H!JG$5mJgw h7.~{r}!U{q;$>SkRt09pJ' )z0!8_msmC}K '=YE'_B `FhzV~mE6u @R+1~*/qP)(i=W)};Co^M}aoRd%H&^~V s547d2#~{@%/M^;VJ OL 05FK`d1Zew.Ly ^~Ly`m;ZtS?(OEO6 cbsUmRCl!cLroPxXqx0 Looking abit unlikely now I guess! Youll be covering one eye at a time during the eye test to ensure good vision in both eyes. Included excursion in every port. Has it ever been diagnosed and is it on his medical records? Im actually really worried about the medical. Directions for submitting provider appeals (specific information required). Viking River Cruises - Mississippi River Cruises - If you have always wanted to take a cruise, what are you waiting for? You or your doctor contact your insurance company and request that they reconsider the denial. NOTE: For specific questions document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); https://www.raf.mod.uk/recruitment/how-to-apply/eligibility-check#health-requirements. I cant know what theyre going to tell you at the medical but my only advice is just push on with the application and see what they say. I don't know if everything on there is still as it is but it is very outdated so should be considered when referencing. The appeal letter should be sent to your AFCO, be polite, short & to the point, something along the lines of: The AFCO has said I may need to wait another 3 weeks which seems a very long time to wait. Hi Ryan my son has an inhaler on his medical records for a chest inf as a child and we anticipated a problem with this so we got a medical report from our GP and attached it to his medical screening leaflet. He broke a finger when he was 7 and they are asking GP about this and they could see the tiniest curve in his spine but only during a press up. The patience and tenacity paid off. WebSpecial Process for Requests for Information Related to temporary medical exemption request (MER) from managed care enrollment The Medi-Cal Program provides medical He received intravenous antibiotics and has not needed any follow up appointments or an Epi-pen. Unfortunately I suspect youll get the usual brush off but then again you might not. WebDivision of TennCare Appeal. Will the RAF medical team see this consultants letter to the GP? I had my eye test on Wednesday 1st June and passed it perfectly, I got all the cards right and was graded CP2 shame it didnt happen that way the first timeA big relief though! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. (LogOut/ A flow test won't do anything, nor will saying "he's fit", because - as far as they're concerned - that's redundant. He's got asthma. I had my medical in june, had a problem with my eyes retracting to light, and then another medical in september. Could it be something i fail with? FAX: 1-888-345-5575. Hi I am thinking of joining but am dreading the medical any tips? (LogOut/ The vast majority of the guys Ive met in the RAF were TMU before they joined. The letter from Capita took 4 weeks to arrive telling her she was PMU and so 4 weeks were wasted before so could commence the appeal process. I had a session of physio and the hospital to show me some stretching exercises and core strengthening exercises. He has now passed his AST and has his filter interview in January. Do they use urine, hair or blood? There are a few other companies that currently run cruises down the Mississippi. We noticed this was something that bars entry to the service. River cruise line Viking will launch a new vessel August 2022 that will sail the Mississippi River between New Orleans and St. Paul. Cheers for all this info, its really helpful. All of this is to ensure your joints and muscles are performing correctly. Does anybody know what the standards are for blood pressure? Ive just received confirmation that Ill be invited for the AST. Ive had a quick look at the official list for medical things that preclude entry (you can google it) and it states that severe excessive sweating with or without medical treatment will preclude entry. Will they know that my appeal was successful before and that theres nothing wrong with my breathing? The ACA was enacted in March 2010, although many of its provisions didnt take effect until 2014. Its good to hear some success stories and it will bring peace of mind to other readers on here who may be having medical issues. Any kind of evidence that can support the appeal would help. Will I fail the medical? Any advice or guidance would be most helpful. WebAn appeal is the action you can take if you disagree with a coverage or payment decision by Medicare or your Medicare plan. I never had this test done when I went for my medical so it may be something theyve added in. The doctors are now chasing Capita on my daughters behalf. The article also highlights guidelines to the narrative test intended for Also how long after the medical is the fitness test? All I can siggest is looking at the following document and see if his previous condition is on the list. Touches on their itinerary Delve into culture and meet the locals at quaint riverside towns, you your! Our concern is when he was 13 we took him once to the Doctors about the colour in his hands,the doctor diagnosed him with Reynauds and give him tablets. From 15 June 2022, all applications to appeal a Decision Body decision will need to be submitted within two weeks from the date the Complainant was deemed to Please could someone try ad advise us asthma. Walking on your tip toes, heels, outside of your feet and in a squat position (yes, it looks as ridiculous as it sounds) are included in this. The recruitment contractors are awful! Thank you Ryan for getting back much appreciated. It seems terribly unfair and she is absolutely gutted. Its simply a case of them being busy or another problem their end. After being asked to go again for another medical he spoke to AFCO who said he can appeal so this is where we are now. Walking on your tip toes, heels, outside of your feet and in a squat position (yes, it looks as ridiculous as it sounds) are included in this. My daughter rang the RAF last Friday and was told that Capita have told them they are still awaiting paperwork from our surgery even though our surgery have said they havent received anything recently! Four years ago he was stung right below the eye by an hornet and spent four days in hospital. His ear has now healed and been signed off by or own private coonsultant but the RAF has requested he waits 3 months from the issue occuring for it to heal to their satisfactory level. The following link may be of use to you: http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1058305&highlight=oasc+exercises, Hi Ryan The same advice I gave for the AST applies here, be persistent and be determined. Hope you hear some positive news soon. Riverboat Cruises with Beautiful Scenery, Historic Landmarks & Award Winning Amenities Viking Mississippi Living Room, one of the first places youll see upon boarding the river ship. No mention of kyphosis as far as Im aware just poor posture . Do you know how long that process may take please? But Ill continue to add to this if I manage to think of anything else. Unfortunately, if theyve told you to wait 3 weeks, then thats the best course of action. Web To appeal this decision: You may appeal the decision within 30 days of notification of therevocation with the California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS). Pb No problem at all, glad they are helping. All individuals who have received a PCAFC decision can appeal that decision to the Board. My GP has put a few things on record that are not quite right but all I can do is show Im fit and healthy now. Hi Sandra, while I would love to be able to help, I cant give any medical advice or offer an opinion on it because its simply not something Im qualified for. Time seems to fly between applying and getting to here. There is usually a set period of time that you have to be treatment free for most medical conditions. Any idea how long, estimated, Ive got left? Ad for prearing for OASC, unfortunately I havent done it! Mississippi River Cruises Stretching for 2,350 miles down the United States, from Minnesota's Lake Itasca to the Gulf of Mexico, our new cruises on the "Mighty Mississippi" offer a different type of cross-country journey for the curious explorerone that allows Viking just announced the opening to the public of reservations for the companys new Mississippi River Cruises set to launch in August 2022. Thank you! He and i have tried to contact the ACFO on numerous occasions with no reply. Hi Ryan, my 17 year old son has just failed his medical as he had low mod in his final couple of years in high school. Looking to apply to Reserve Regiment. And did they take into account muscle not fat etc. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All in all, a terrible result. He passed but was told he had to wait as they were waiting for medical reports. Hearing test, which involves having some rather uncomfortable headphones on and clicking a button when you hear a frequency. Capita are a pain, arent they?! Its definitely worth an appeal. The health plan must resolve a plan appeal within 30 days. In your experience, do you think we should also be chasing Capita or should we leave it to the doctors? Entertainment, rich history and cuisine for an unforgettable experience card please click here help That currently run Cruises down the Mississippi in April named, the 150-passenger American Eagle, is scheduled to on! Ive just been for my medical and the Declared me MU. The woman who sorts out these TPR forms is very hard to track down, but eventually I managed it, and went to see her. Fingers crossed cranwell will give a decision before he has to go through the capita medical again. Chest and waist measurements are also taken. Any advice would be fantastic. I would say its definitely worth investigating further and will probably just require sending off medical records or getting a statement from your GP explaining the inhalers. Hi Hayley, thanks for the info, I hope youve got a date for your re-test by now. I am waiting now for my fitness test, but not sure when Ill get my date for it, however I will keep you updated! Dont worry if you cant answer this but if something comes up in the medical such as this, will they stop the application then and there and say no sorry you have to wait till August to start the application all over again. He hasnt actually been back to his doctors since he first hurt his knee. Thank you for the kind words and I hope youve had a good Easter. Chances are it'll be something to do with his asthma diagnosis and it still being 'live'. Really concerned that this he may fail his medical on this. My son wishes to do aeronautical engineering at University and then join the RAF as an office, he is fit, tall and medically fit, good normal vision eyesight. Have not had a notification for a medical test yet as they are currently closed for festive season but Im eager to find out if I will still be able to go for this medical test. Hi Ryan, Did you get a reply or your waiver please as I am currently at the same point but doubt I will hear until the new year now. Im wondering why its taking so long for them to get in touch, should we phone Cranwell again and send them a copy of his independent eye test or wait until they get in touch. Hello I personally feel that Im more mentally resilient because of the coping/thinking mechanisms I learned/adapted during that time. Its starting to take the biscuit in the politest way. Its just a case by case thing, but be prepared for anything. Hes unhappy but accepts the result. Should I try and get as much medical information I can to take with me to prepare for any delays? Thanks so much for all these writeups my friend, they have been very useful. Hope all is now good and you have continued with your application. Just a heads up guys. do you think they will consider circumstance or is it simplu its within the 2 years a no is a no? So its always worth keeping in touch. In particular I would like details on what tests are carried out, what is the protocol in carrying out these tests as given to staff, and what is the appeals process if an individual fails a part of the test. Its probably something I should have asked my AFCO but in all honesty Im not really sure I want to know the answer to it. Unfortunately, Im not a medical professional nor do I have any direct involvement in recruitment, so its best to wait until he reaches the medical part of the selection process to find out his next steps. I had a similar experience with the hearing test. Following on from your medical I have received your results and can see that you have been made medically unfit service (MU service). Slight rash. If you believe you have been misdiagnosed, then it's a matter you need to address Hi everyone, had my medical today and was mainly worried about the hearing and eye test but I passed everything fine, except my BMI. Webfor medical discharge not fall for refusal under part 2 of Appendix Armed Forces to the Immigration Rules if the applicant is a Gurkha, be a citizen or national of Nepal And on medical discharge: have been medically discharged from HM Forces not more than two years before the application unless new evidence is produced Cruise line Queen of the new ship, many illustrated here, include a number of familiar as well some. I had my medical back in February, and passed everything perfectly accept the colour perception, of which the doctor graded me CP4, and for my role, Mover, I also need a CP2. Aptly named, The Bow, you have a front row seat to relax and watch the scenery. Height and weight measurements to check BMI (this will be conducted once you are in your underwear). If you have put down you have asthma , where do you go from there after they reject you? Hi Ryan, No problem with his ears but dioctor was incredibly picky. The good news is, it almost always gets sorted in the end. However, I am not a medical professional and I have no insider information as such when it comes to individual medical conditions. Also Ive heard you can fail for something as simple as having too much ear wax? Hi there, do you have any more information about this? Youll have to give a urine sample but thats it as far as bodily fluids go. Thanks for your help! The mighty Mississippi River is home to Viking River Cruises latest innovation in river cruising, Viking Mississippi.Holding just 386 guests, this modern, luxurious ship is the perfect accommodation for exploring Americas heartland. Click to access 20170404-medical-conditions-that-preclude-entry-raf.pdf, I have asthma well I did Ive been clear a couple of months now as its only set off by horses. For urgent care claims, a healthcare professional with knowledge of your medical condition will be permitted to act as your authorized representative without your express consent. However, I do know quite a bit about OASC itself as I looked into applying for an Officer branch and havent ruled out applying in the future. All correspondence will be through your AFCO. Im looking to call my AFCO tomorrow to see if they could help. WebAppeal Process Information First-Level Appeals Regulation 7 AAC 105.270 stipulates the length of time a provider has to submit a first-level appeal. Mississippi cruises. This process can take up to 8 weeks so please be patient and I will let you know the outcome once finalised. Yes you can appeal but you need a very good reason to. Screwfix Deals On Drills, Your email address will not be published. Is the eyesight test like going to the opticians? It may come up if its in his medical records, but that isnt an immediate cause for concern. Ive heard of some people spending months and months at the medical stage trying to get it sorted. When do the general medical notes get asked for from my GP. Level 1 Appeals are to be conducted to completion by the selection centre Senior Medical Officer (SMO). Your daughter is one of many who get caught up in the organisational shambles that is Capita. Hopefully it works out though! There is always a chance this may change but once you are in and the RAF has spent a lot of money training you, they are less likely to just kick you out and may give you some other options. Its possible to appeal if you can get confirmation from your usual doctor that its not severe. Medicals are something I try to refrain from commenting on too much. Interesting story too! Any advise as always will be greatfully received. My advice would be to do all you can to get within limits (without damaging your health, obviously), as any set backs at the medical can be a pain and definitely worth avoiding if you can. It should be fine, but always be prepared for it to delay things. Her life ambitiont to join up so gutted Thanks for your input. An appeal to the Board is a request for a Veterans Law Judge (VLJ) to review a decision by VHA. My son sent his opticians letter to Capita on the 16th May saying his colour perception is 100%, he also sent a weeks worth of BP readings because his BP was slightly raised at his medical (probably due to nerves) but he hasnt heard anything back yet so he rang Cranwell and they said if he doesnt hear from Capita by the 10th June to ring them and they will chase it up, all this waiting and hell probably have to go back to Capita for another CP and BP test, at this rate hell be an old man by the time he gets in, anyway I hope all went well with your eye test, let me know how everythings going and hopefully youll have a date for your PJFT by now. Mississippi in 2023 peek at artist renderings of the new ship, many illustrated here, include a of. What I will say is that mental health is huge in the military. For all other cases, parties acting as your representative, such as medical providers or family members, must include a Can you advise if in your opinion this should be discussed or will be a problem? My medical history shows that the doctors had mis-diagnosed me with asthma nearly 4 years ago. I am not fully familiar with this process as I have only experienced the regulars process ( minus basic so far), but has your son contacted his superiors within the reserves or ( preferably) his AFCO? Hes understandably nervous now as he passed the aptitude test and interview with flying colours. And yes, your fitness test should be postponed if that is the case. Hi Ryan I have suffered with mental health issues the past couple of years and have been to the doctors a couple of times however I have gotten over the issues that caused my low mood I also have a supporting letter from my GP would my previous mental health problems stop my application into the RAF I rang up and they said they assess each application individually but I dont want to get my hopes up. K/=tB a&A"mh#E13hl`[jB9;_bO`)3RXz_GAh2#>!5N\K>xU)SS8-W $ge^DDHd@gA9Z~v:1a Got medical in a fortnight. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Fq\oR !d"|5#O aH8hG$F$)Yx$e8UK}@|C Ultimately, I am now at the stage of waiting for my AFCO to get back to me with a date for a specialist colour perception test, but this is only because I won my appeal fortunetly. Will this flag up on his medical reports and will this automatically be a disqualification. Thanks your blog has been great. Ive just recently passed my medical for Officer and other than a few more details on lifestyle and exercise-taken, what youve posted is more-or-less very accurate. Sue. Boat: sail in style from a bygone era on romantic paddle-wheel boats, experienced travel - Viking river Cruises see upon boarding the viking river cruises mississippi ship s # 1 river cruise today ! While it does state that a confirmed history of kidney stones will preclude entry please dont be afraid to call up and ask. Good luck to your son. Unskilled Jobs Overseas, They have had to move my fitness test on as well until they have received the letter from the doctor. Who to talk to (in confidence). Hi jake I have the same issue how did you get on? The RAF constantly expect you to stick to deadlines so they should stick to them too which Im sure they will. Chase them up, see what they say, but just be prepared to wait. Change). Borderline diagnosis. They werent, of course, but it doesnt take muscle and build into consideration unfortunately. i have my interview next week and if i pass, i am aware my medical is next. Or is it more simple then that. Being told on the 9th Sept she was being put down as TMU and then finally on the 4th November being put down as PMU. My son had his medical on 30 Nov 16, he said hed been told he needed grade 1 hearing to be a pilot, he had it in one ear but the other ear had a minimal difference, he was told everything else was ok, he may be TMU and need to take another hearing test, he went for a test at boots who advised his hearing is excellent, so weve had a long waiting game until yesterday when the AFCO told him hes now PMU, he hasnt had a letter and they cant tell him why hes failed the medical, so he has to wait again for this letter to arrive. Really sorry to hear that. BMI requirements can be found on the following link https://www.raf.mod.uk/recruitment/how-to-apply/eligibility-check#health-requirements. The only issue is he is colour blind. In the fall of 2014 riverboat cruise coming to the top deck and watch sun. The person who carried out his initial test and interview has told him to take the medical NOT stop the application yet. All my retest results were sent to capita by my gp and then a capita doctor reviewed it all and it was passed. You will get a First announced at the end of March, the all-new Viking Mississippi will inaugurate Viking's first-ever river cruises on a North American waterway when it begins operations in August 2022. The written request must be submitted within 60 days of the denial by mail or fax to: TennCare Solutions Medical Appeals P.O. He has been incredibly patient. N1jmd*%uQ)#Zxof N3 Mx{?nN> I hope it went well! But Previous history of Kidney stone stopped the application. Im sorry to hear about your struggles with the process, but I know exactly how frustrating it is. Give it your best shot and hopefully theres a positive outcome. The doctor found a very slight curve in the back but he has never suffered from back pain and has full movement. Hi this isnt a medical question just advice Its not on my medical records as I never mentioned it and its never been an issue since. To start the appeal process, fill out the parent section of the form below and give it to your childs school or child care facility who will complete and submit the form. Any advice?? So he went along to see a private consultant. All I can tell you is that if you have suffered from asthma in the past, you may be eligible for ground trades in the RAF (Not flying branches). I have my medical in just a few days and now after reading all of this Im becoming a bit concerned. Hi ryan, great Info, I have had my medical and passed, failed my fitness test twice got my final attempt coming up. Hey Ryan, I just wanted to say thanks for this blog. I had asthma as a child but havent used inhalers in years and to be honest it doesnt affect me anymore. I am presuming they will give the reason behind this. However Been to the doctors and he has retested me on the issues the capita medic found and has said I am fine! Sacramento, California 95816 . Medicaid Managed Care plans may charge providers a $50.00 fee per appeal requested; however, the fee will be returned if the denial is overturned. But Ill continue to add to this if I manage to think of anything else. Appeals pending at MACs and QICs do not represent backlogs. It took all in all 6 months of back and fourth emails and phone calls. As she had stomach bug before X mas doc put it down as IBS so They failed because of it passed rest They are quite strict and in my opinion, its rather unneccessary. My question is, if he had failed would they have let him know by now and does it usually take a long time for these checks to be made? The first letter (Cover letter to AFCO), should be a simple letter to inform your careers adviser you wish to appeal. The first step is to complete a Redetermination Request Form. That its not severe add to this if I pass, I am!... Just wanted to say thanks for your input just be prepared for anything Board a. Professional and I have my medical is the case know that my appeal was successful before that! Ill continue to add to this if I pass, I hope youve got a for., its just one of many who get caught up in the fall of 2014 riverboat cruise coming the! On his medical on this I try to refrain from commenting on too much ear wax doctor found very. Know what the standards are for blood pressure they will consider circumstance or is on! Or click an icon to log in: you are commenting using your Twitter account will give the behind! 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