To some extent, Santeria includes magical practice, although this magical system is based upon interaction with and understanding of the orishas. Summarizing distinctive markers of this African worldview, Sambuli Mosha isolates four key ideas, namely: (1) the centrality of belief in God, (2) an acknowledgment of the intrinsic unity between individuals and communities, (3) viewing the universe as an interconnected, interdependent whole, (4) embracing life as a process of spiritual formation and transformation (Mosha, 2000). Here, they reinforced prior indigenous concepts of the afterlife where these already incorporated notions of a final judgment, as in the case of the Yoruba of Nigeria and LoDagaa of Ghana (Ray, 1976, pp. It explores marginalized views of global issues like poverty, war and the environment, as well as business issues such as corporate accountability and affirmative action. Apart from vague notions that it somehow involves animal sacrifice and is a syncretistic religion blending Catholic and African beliefs, most Americans know little of anything about Santeria, yet it is probably the most-practiced religion in Cuba and is growing in the United States, De La Torre argues in Santeria: The Beliefs and Rituals of a Growing Religion in America by Eerdmans. One enjoys this status so long as there are people left behind to remember him or her. Santeria (Way of the Saints) is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on Yoruba beliefs and traditions, with some Roman Catholic elements added. Santeria relies on the wisdom of orishas. The True Story Behind Santeria, Academia - Santeria: An Afro-Cuban religion, Santera - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). As this creator deity is inaccessible to humanity, no major offerings are dedicated to it. The best postmortem reward is a reunion with one's relatives who have died before, particularly ancestors, the Ara Orun (Idowu, 1994, p. 177). Voodoo can be traced to the Fon and Ewe in West Africa, currently known as Benin. Download Full Image. Santeria also includes the Yoruba divination system called Ifa, which can only be performed by a senior male priest called a babalawo. This is a Lukumi based discussion forum. Women always held power in the culture as well as politics. Devotion to the orishas takes four principal forms: divination, sacrifice, spirit mediumship, and initiation. Followers of an Orisha will offer them food and sacrifice animals to them in order to build and maintain a personal relationship with the spirit. The Swazi also bury their dead with all their vital earthly belongings, thus equipping them for the next phase of their life journey, beyond physical death. What is the origin of Santeria? With Astrid Steel, Nellie Gonzalez, Nito Perez Jr., Genaro T. Perez. The Santera belief system is based on the theory that all life comes from a primal life force known as the ach or growth. Close suggestions Search Search Search Search We can be good, or we can be bad. We don't think people are always going to be naturally good. Thus, for example, among the Swazi, burial of the dead is only done after three days. I do wish there were books that delved more into the philosophical understandings of the religion. The religion is also known as La Regla Lucumi and the Rule of Osha. Santeria practitioners believe that herbalism is a foremost essential in their healing practices and plays significant roles in their members health. Contrary to popular belief, Vodou is a monotheistic religion, since practitioners believe in one all-powerful God who created the universe and everything in it. This period of religious history begins with the invention of writing about 5,200 years ago (3200 BCE). Notions of Afterlife: Clues from Mortuary and Funerary Rituals The notion that the body is integral to the human person also finds expression in the significance and even sacredness with which the body is treated particularly during funeral rituals in Africa. The centre of the religion is Cuba, but it has spread to the USA and other nearby countries, particularly after the Cuban revolution in 1959. Explains that santera is a sensible religion that focuses on helping individuals live more in harmony with themselves and the world around them. (M'passou in Cox, 1998, p. 28). In the crowning ceremony, the symbols of the patron orisha are placed on the head of the devotee, and he or she may enter a ceremonial trance and become a medium for that orisha. Hindus believe that when someone dies, he or she is born into a different body largely determined by his or her previous life. Affirmations are words or phrases that are repeated to affirm a single thought. It is likely that Orisha traditions will continue to grow and be recognized as one of the principal African contributions to world culture. If you are angry, rather than learn to control your anger and address the problem in a different way, you can just go around punching people in the face. shares information on magic, witchcraft and alternative spirituality. Some of the most popular orishas include: It is estimated that about a million or so Americans currently practice Santeria, but it's hard to determine whether this count is accurate or not. If we tried to live in harmony with our Ori and the world around us, we didn't destroy the planet or harm other people, our energy gets "recycled" for lack of a better word back into the universe so we can continue to be a part of the physical world. Idowu, Bolaji. Santeria Religion. It was about "ancient" origins of all the Christmas traditions. Tree, yule log, 12 days etcAfter reading it she looked at me like a demon for a This ritual involves throwing an ekwele, a chain of 8 shaped pieces. Learn Religions, Aug. 28, 2020, Sacrifices are performed for life events such as birth, marriage, and death. Kenyatta, Jomo. We even consult the Babalawos in heaven and either do or dont do Ebo. Whereas in the past the hope was to attain personal immortality as a Living-Dead and to enjoy a status of honor among the ancestors, Christianized Africans look forward instead to joining an otherworldly/heavenly community of God and angels as defined in the Christian discourse. Dressed in a loose white gauze shirt, white pants and white hat, the red-bearded drummer Babaila taps out the same beat he has played for 35 years. Santera focuses on building relationships between human beings and powerful (but mortal) spirits or divinities called o risha. A companion book that came out last November, Doing Christian Ethics from the Margins, explores a broad range of ethical issues from the perspective of marginalized peoples. My Faith as An African. Against this background then, and drawing examples from the vast pool of diverse African cultures, this article discusses the topic under several interrelated headings, namely: The African worldview is decidedly theistic. When they die, believers are buried in the earth (never cremated) so that they can provide axe to all living things. Born in Cuba, he grew up in a home where both of his parents were santeros, or priests of Santeria. Practitioners believe that Orichas intercede for them if they make offerings and live in compliance with their wishes. The Swahili call this community of the dead Mizimu, while their abode is referred to as Kuzimu. We aren't wolves who are conditioned to tear each other apart. Thus, for example, one Gikuyu Christian funeral song bids the deceased farewell and expresses the hope that the person will be met at the gates of heaven by "multitudes of God's angels" (Kikuyu Catholic Hymnal, 1992, hymn 101). Later still, in the nineteenth century, through Christian missionaries these ideas found their way into sub-Saharan Africa. Conversely, those who fail in their worldly obligations, or those whose actions are subversive to rather than nurturing of life, are quickly forgotten and "excommunicated" after death. Like many religions, Santeria also offers . That a person is considered a composite and integral whole is also evident in that often, when people claim to encounter the dead through visions and dreams or when they communicate with them through ritual, they claim to have met or spoken with "so and so," a person identifiable by name, rather than the "ghost" of so and so. Although Santeria is a religious path that is not rooted in Indo-European polytheism like many other contemporary Pagan religions, it's still a faith that is practiced by many thousands of people in the United States and other countries today. Like many religions, Santeria also offers community. Cox, James, ed. It would seem also that the emphasis by Africans on a this-worldly and corporate approach to salvation resonates significantly with the prior key affirmations about God and the world in the African worldview. Furthermore, the ban is seemingly based on Christian notions of afterlife that define salvation as a matter of the individual's disembodied soul getting to an "otherworldly heaven." Empirical Studies of African Independent/Indigenous Churches. thunder and power are two aspects of nature that are represented by the deity. They help reprogram your subconscious mind from negative to positive thinking. I conduct summoning rituals for clients -, To learn more about practical magick, get my latest book "The Psy-Mage Compendium" on Amazon:, The sign of Aries, the first sign of Fire in the zodiac series, evokes the beginning of spring, the struggle of life and natural forces in action. Research from Arizona State University and the University of Wyoming has found that religious beliefs about the afterlife predicted how people value and practice sustainability. It's difficult to know how many people follow Santeria, as there's no central organisation, and the religion is often practised in private. Revolutionary Cuba clamped-down on Santeria at first, but over the last 15 years or so the government tolerated it more and more and now allows it to flourish. A vital unit of the Santeria community is the 'house' called a casa or il. Slowly, the African religious rituals merged with Christianity. This article will factor in this palpable ethnic diversity in order to avoid sweeping generalizations. An Orisha is a manifestation of Olodumare (God). Santeria priests have a great knowledge of traditional medicine and herbalism, and often play an important role in the health of their community. Santera is a syncretic religion based significantly in the traditions of the Yoruba and incorporating elements of Catholicism. Historically, Africa is heir to a triple heritage of religion and culture: namely African traditional religions, Islam, and Christianity. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Syncretism is the combining of different, often seemingly . Encyclopedia of Religion. Practitioners believe that this divinity created the universe but takes little interest in human affairs. Santeria is a religion that has beliefs of the Yoruba and it also has Roman Catholic elements (Types of Religion, 2016). Yes - the "did you leave the Earth a better place" thing? These commonalities in worldview despite cultural ethnic differences will be assumed in this article. The basis of the Santeria religion is the nurture of a personal relation with the orishas, and one of the principal forms of devotion is an animal sacrifice. The religion is also known as La Regla Lucumi and the Rule of Osha. Those who have fulfilled their corporate duties and obligations as the community defines them are honored as "ancestors," a status analogous to but not identical to that of sainthood in Christianity. Merced filed a lawsuit with city officials said he could no longer perform animal sacrifices as part of his religious practice. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A study of indigenous education system of the Chagga from Tanzania. Rituals for summoning the, Read More My New Grimoire Goetia Rising is Now Available!Continue, The sign of Taurus, the first earth sign in the zodiac series, evokes the middle of spring, green meadows and fatty pastures. Now, I present you with the opportunity to REQUEST A RITUAL directly on this website. They continued to practice their own rituals, which they found to be useful and effective, and which, most importantly, filled the spiritual space in lives torn from their original cultural foundations. Belief in Santeria can peacefully coexist with a belief in Christianity, and especially Catholicism. Many contemporary practitioners refer to the tradition as the religion of the orishas or the Lukumi religion, after the name by which the Yoruba were known in Cuba. They are marred with dark mystery due to the secrecy that guards these esoteric segments of their practice. Ancestorhood is therefore a status of honor reserved for the exemplary dead. The religion is also known as La Regla Lucumi and the Rule of Osha. The slaves took each African god (Orisha) and renamed them after the . They are also used for healing. . Updates? In order to keep the religion and life, The slaves became "Christianized" at least to the slave owners. The priest may be a babalorisha (Father in the Spirit) or iyalorisha (Mother or Wife in the Spirit). Furthermore, the deliberate invocation of ngoma or mizimu and fellowship with them through libations and prayer (Gikuyu, kurongoreria ) is in official Christian teaching outlawed because it is considered a breach of the First Commandment. Muslims, for example, are encouraged to persevere through earthly tribulations in view of the "day of the Resurrection" when a judgment will be made in their favor, assuming they live a righteous this-worldly life (see Qurn, srah III:185). Santeria has few buildings devoted to the faith. Gundani and Ongonga also discuss, respectively, the rituals of Kurova Guva and Duogo, which are rituals of reintegrating the deceased and confirming their status as ancestors or the living dead. Santera teaches the existence of an overarching divinity, known as Olodumare, Olofi, or Olorun. Does Santera believe in the afterlife? Margarite Fernandez Olmos and Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert), 1997, The understanding of death and dying as seen by different religions. In the If oracle, for example, a trained priest, a babalawo (father of the mystery), interprets the fall of consecrated palm nuts to reveal the orishas response to a seekers question. I.e. Such rituals and related "oratures" (myths, stories, and songs) constitute a commentary by humans on their experiences in this world and its beyond and offer significant clues regarding concepts of the afterlife. Author of. Santeria is based on Yoruba beliefs, while Voodoo is based on Fon and Ewe beliefs. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Mosha, Sambuli. Explains that ashe is known throughout the world as an affirmation which is used in many greetings and in prayer. and cause more harm? The Santeria faith teaches that every individual has a destiny from God, a destiny fulfilled with the aid and energy of the orishas. Santeria, a religion created several centuries ago by West Africans enslaved in colonial Cuba and imported to New York City more than 40 years ago, is going public. Santeria was created in Cuba by the mingling of Yoruba . The prehistory of religion involves the study of religious beliefs that existed prior to the advent of written records. Ela, Jean Marc. Terms such as mizimu (Kiswahili), emandloti (Swazi), or ngoma (Kikuyu), which traditionally described the ancestors, are today used almost as synonyms for Satan or the devil. The rare cases of cruel treatment of animals are punishable by law. The book, by Chalice Press, also distinguishes the differences and similarities between the U.S. theologies and their Latin American counterparts. This dance is only interrupted, not ended, by physical death. The SM Otieno Case: Death and Burial in Modern Kenya. Santeria healthcare is often combined with conventional medicine. In fact, one of the reasons why Santeria evolved out of the Yoruba traditions was because the Yoruba people noticed the striking similarity between their Orishas and the Catholic Saints. Santeria developed among Afro-Cuban communities while Voodoo developed among Afro-Haitian communities. Governed by Venus, a sensual and carnal planet, Taurus is in analogy with House II, concerning acquisitions, possessions and everything that one ingests, that one assimilates. The religion is also known as La Regla Lucumi and. To put it simply, Santera is a religion for and by women. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Having understood the fundamentals of Santeria and Voodoo, lets examine the main similarities and differences. There are police officers in New York who pray to Obatala, the father of all deities, or orishas, before they slip on their gun belts. there isnt a good heaven or bad heaven, we die and reflect on the choices we make and try to get it right the next time around. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Oosthuizen, G. C., and Irving Hexham, eds. My New Grimoire Goetia Rising is Now Available! The topic of judgement has existed in many ancient cultures. Santeria (The way of the Saints) is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on Yoruba beliefs and traditions, with some Roman Catholic elements added. Olodumare takes little interest in human beings, thus it is considered to be inaccessible to humanity. Voodoos paranormal ancestral connection is passed from generation to generation by rituals and spiritual practices. When Yoruba were taken to the Caribbean islands as slaves between the 1770's . Portsmouth, N.H., 1969. Santeria has no scriptures and is passed on by word-of-mouth. Santerias house of worship is known as the. They also adopted some features from Catholicism. Voodoo followers also believe in the afterlife. Rather than an idolatrous or dangerous product of a backward people, De La Torre says, cloaking their own traditions behind the faces of their masters saints was a shrewd move of resistance. Ils are independent but may join up for special occasions. Santeria falls in the . They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Her faith is called Santeria or Regla de Osha/IFA, a religion grounded in African beliefs that were transported to the New World aboard slave ships and melded with Christian beliefs in Cuba. Santera, (Spanish: The Way of the Saints) also called La Regla de Ocha (Spanish: The Order of the Orishas) or La Religin Lucum (Spanish: The Order of Lucum), the most common name given to a religious tradition of African origin that was developed in Cuba and then spread throughout Latin America and the United States. A bull is also killed specifically for the deceased's grandfather to alert him so that he can await the deceased (Mbiti, 1969, p. 155). Death is also described as "sleeping" or "resting.". Retrieved February 22, 2023 from Let us see the typical portrait of the, Read More Sign of Aries, Mars and House I: Personality Traits, Relationships..Continue, People are always looking for a way to predict their future using a variety of techniques and tools. Benefits of Santeria Santeria "focuses on improving the quality of adherents' everyday life, rather than merely providing them with salvation when they approach death." Vega, the religion professor, said Santeria is a way of life. Magesa depicts ancestors as moral exemplars and in chapter 3 presents ancestors as custodians of and enforcers of life-affirming values. When the rope was severed, death became a permanent feature of the human condition. Across the many ethnic groupings and cultural expressions, however, one can discern commonalities in worldviews that make it possible to speak of an "African" worldview as compared, say, to a "Hindu" one. They immediately recognized parallels between their pantheon of a high god and a number of intermediaries called orishas and the Catholic system of saints. Priesthood is not a full-time paid job, and is often combined with ordinary work. These powers are thought to allow them to predict the future. Santera altar in Cuba. Santera is a syncretic religion from Cuba that incorporates elements of Catholicism with the religion of the Yoruba people from West Africa. Divination can be done by casting palm nuts, interpreting the fall of shells, or using a divided coconut. but only faith in Almighty God can bring them a happy afterlife. Initiation is a solemn and life-changing event for the follower and unites them with their Orisha, and with other followers of that Orisha. Egregores can best be described as spiritual entities that feed off the thoughts and energy of a unified multitude. Santera is a Spanish word meaning "The Way of the Saints.". There is no strict orthodoxy on this issue and thus interpretations differ. Sign of Taurus, Venus and House II: Personality Traits (Full Guide). A redefinition of the human person also seems to be indicated in the Christian discourse. He analyzes Yoruba notions of predestiny and how these are connected with the postmortem destiny of the person. Sickness was not known, and when people died, Imana brought them back to life after three days. There is a Spanish influence in Santeria, whereas in Voodoo religion the French influence is more prominent. Secretly the practitionres prayed to their ancestors gods as they hid behind Christian saints. These two religions have the same place of origin: West Africa. The study was recently published in Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. Santeria (The way of the Saints) is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on Yoruba beliefs and traditions, with some Roman Catholic elements added. In Catholic circles, Christianized Africans also ritually connect with deceased family members through requesting a Mass for the dead, a doctrinally legitimate practice. Merced claimed he had been sacrificing animals for over a decade without any problems, and was willing to "quadruple bag the remains" and find a safe method of disposal. It seems from this myth that the Tutsi understand happiness and immortality to be dependent on how well they maintain the link between themselves and God. What are the beliefs of Santeria? Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Espiritismo is similar. And although most people are appalled by the animal sacrifices offered during ceremonies, the most important thing is respecting other peoples religious beliefs and faiths. From the Cuban Revolution of 1959 to the early 21st century, nearly one million Cubans left the island, bringing Orisha religion to cities throughout the Americas, particularly Miami and New York. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. What is Santeria? Meticulous and proper burial signifies that Africans understand the finality of death as a marker of the end of physical life. The Scientology Religion does not believe in the view of Heaven or Hell, and L. Ron Hubbard explains that people's immortal spirits have lived before and will live again, therefore individuals have a responsibility on what happens today since they will experience it tomorrow. Simultaneously, however, while many seem to have embraced these Christianized notions of the afterlife, there is evidence, even among Christianized Africans, of a marked resistance to the seeming demonization of African beliefs, particularly beliefs in ancestors. Olmos and Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert ), 1997, the African religious rituals merged with Christianity )! Distinguishes the differences and similarities between the 1770 & # x27 ; s religion for and by women between beings... A chain of 8 shaped pieces around them: https: // its... Is only done after three days are people left behind to remember him or her dark mystery due to advent... Guide ) inaccessible to humanity that santera is a manifestation of Olodumare God. 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